P&E USB Multilink Universal

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USB Multilink Universal 


Multilink Overview

Multilink debug probes allow a PC access to the Background Debug Mode (BDM) or JTAG interface on wide range of ARM Cortex and 8-16-/32-bit devices, in order to halt normal processor execution and use the PC to control the processor. The user can then directly control the target’s execution, read/write registers and memory values, debug code on the processor, and program internal or external FLASH memory devices. 

Supported manufacturers include NXP, STMicroelectronics, Cypress, Infineon, Silicon Labs, and many others. Multilink connects between a USB port on a Windows machine and the standard debug connector on the target. Microcontrollers are supported via the multiple headers located under a flip lid on the Multilink case. Ribbon cables suitable for a variety of architectures are included.

Software Licenses/Compatibility

PEmicro's current software licenses (purchased separately) are hardware-based, meaning they are installed permanently onto a single hardware interface, such as a Multilink. Newly purchased Multilinks support these licenses, however users wishing to install a license on an older Multilink should read our blog posts regarding PROG licensing and ICD/PKG licensing to be sure their Multilink will support the license.  

Please note: Multilink debug probes do not include any software licenses by default, as there are myriad options regarding the device architecture and utility of software that the user might require. Users most often purchase a version of PEmicro's PROG programming software that is compatible with their device architecture. ICD debugger software and PKG software packages are available as well. Users can also create custom solutions with UNIT library routines. There is support for Multilink in many NXP and other third party tools, such as MCUXpresso IDE and MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code, or STMicroelectronics' STM32CubeIDE. Click for a listing of compatible 3rd party ARM-based IDEs. In addition, ARM-based Eclipse IDEs are compatible, with the appropriate GDB Server plug in

Multilink Models & Features


There are 3 models of Multilink:


Standard Features

All Multilink debug probes offer these standard features:

  • USB interface from PC to Multilink allows for fast, easy programming and debugging -- with the ease and compatibility of the USB interface.
  • Draws power from USB interface-- no separate power supply required (draws less than 1mA from the target).
  • Works with target voltage: 1.8V-5.25V
  • Supports JTAG daisy chaining of multiple ARM MCUs
  • ARM device support includes both the JTAG and SWD protocols
  • Includes USB cable, Type A Male to Type B Male, 6-ft.

"Universal" Features

 MULTILINK UNIVERSAL LC  and  MULTILINK UNIVERSAL FX  also include these features:

  • Pipelined programming algorithms for some Power Architecture families that dramatically increase programming speed.
  • Auto-frequency detection + trimming capabilities for HCS08 devices
  • Auto-frequency detection for HC(S)12(X) devices.
  • Generates programming voltage on RESET line for RS08 devices.
  • Target Frequency: 16Khz-50Mhz (applies to HCS08, RS08, CFV1, S12Z, or HCS12X only)

No-Cost Software Features

1) PEmicro's "UNITACMP Library SDK for ARM Cortex-M processors" is free to download. This allows the user to create an application which can fully control the execution of an embedded processor via Multilink debug probes or Cyclone programmers.

2) PEmicro's no-cost GDB Server for ARM devices (Eclipse plug-in) includes the following powerful features:

  • Real-Time Expression View 
    This view gives the user the ability to view variables and memory while a target ARM device is running. Sometimes the process of halting the target masks a bug. Sometimes, in order to reproduce a particular bug, the program must be kept running while being fed a particular set of data. In those cases, having the ability to view variable values as they change without halting the target is a great asset.
  • OS-Aware Feature Supports FreeRTOS 
    The GDB server will automatically detect the presence, type, and configuration of an OS by querying the application’s symbol table for identifying characteristics. Using these discovered symbols, the debugger can traverse the kernel’s internal data structures to enumerate the available threads and their corresponding execution context. This information is then used to dynamically populate the Eclipse views as the user navigates between the threads. Additional OS support is expected to be added soon.
  • Single-Wire Output (SWO) Debug Tools
    SWO Tools are natively integrated into NXP’s MCUXpresso software. By using Eclipse-based IDE's such as MCUXpresso or PEmicro's plug-in for ARM-based GDB IDEs, users can measure power consumption of their device in real time (FX only), monitor multiple variables and expressions in real time, use printf calls to be notified when specific events occur during the debug session, and use trace capture to log user-specified events and triggers. This allows much more insight into the operation of the user's code. 

Hardware Comparison

Supported Devices

System Requirements

Windows 7/8/10: 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
Windows 11: 64-bit (x64)
with USB 2.0 software support. Requires a USB port on the PC.



제조사 : P&E Microcomputer Systems (미국)


납기 : 재고 보유


AS   : 불가

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- 결재금액이 5만원 미만은 배송비가 3,000원이며, 5만원 이상은 배송비가 무료입니다.

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